Fall Semester

October 2023

Comedy Writing Workshop with Jonterri Gadson

WC Film Series: The Motorcycle Diaries

Wine and Design Night

Presidential Symposium

Quill and Ink Workshop

Phi Delta Theta Crab Feast

Homecoming Dance

WC Rock Ensemble Concert

Collegian Workshop

Donuts with Public Safety

Dr. James Allen Hall Reading

Zeta Tau Alpha’s Fundraising Table

Cleopatra’s Sisters Collaboration with WAC Squared

Public Lecture on Cuban Art

Haunted Histories with the Starr Center

Monster Mash

American Idiot

Halloween Bash

Psych Club Tie Dye Night

Cello Faculty Recital

Pumpkin Party

Downrigging of the Lynxx

AXO Casino Night

SEB Haunted House

Kappa Sigma Pancake Breakfast

Prometheus Burning