Big Events
Every year Washington College will have a number of events that some might constitute as big deals. We mean events so big that you’d be hard pressed to find a student on campus who did not know about them. These are the sort of events which everybody shows up to, which make an impact on the lives of students, and which sometimes mark pivotal points in the course of WAC history. Below are some such events which rocked this year’s campus.
Each February, Washington College celebrates the birth of its namesake with the biggest party of the year. Students, faculty, and alumni don their best outfit – or a themed costume – and dance late into the night. This year’s theme was The City of Oz, featuring spectacular decorations, food, and music.
The War on the Shore is the annual rivalry lacrosse game between Washington College and Salisbury University. This year, the game was hosted at home on Kibler Field. WAC defeated Salisbury for the first time in eleven years, when Junior midfielder Hunter Nowicki scored the game-winning goal with 1:04 remaining on the clock. War on the Shore draws the Washington College community out in one of the biggest displays of school spirit for the year. Phi Delta Theta and the Relay for Life committee both set up refreshments and students set up games on the hill outside of Sassafras Hall.
Relay for Life has evolved, over its four years at Washington College, from a little-known event to a must-attend event. It draws the Washington College community together, uniting us under a common goal: the elimination of cancer. Students, faculty, staff, parents, and the surrounding community join together to spend one night raising money and awareness. That one night is the culmination of a year of work. From the beginning of the academic year, the Relay for Life committee is hard at work raising money and educating people about the dangers of cancer and how to take preventative measures. By the time everyone gathers in the Johnson Fitness Center in April, the community is ready to show its support and the packed gym floor is evidence.
This year, over 55 young women donated hair to Locks of Love so that wigs can be made for women who have lost their hair due to chemotherapy. As always, tears were shed during the Luminaria Ceremony, but laughter was eventually restored through the various events planned by the committee. The Sho’Troupe performed, Phi Delta Theta auctioned off some of their members through “Buy A Phi,” and the Chipotle Eating Contest was, as always, a huge hit. Alex Anbarcioglu received a $1,000 donation on behalf of President Reiss and showed his dedication to the cause by running nonstop for the full 12 hours. Relay for Life stands as a symbol of all of the good that comes out of Washington College.
Of course this is only a handful of the events which The Pegasus staff considers important to our college, but there’s so much to talk about that we simply cannot fit it all on one page. To find out about all of the big events of Washington College’s 2013 academic year, click on the galleries below!
Birthday Ball
Blitz Ball
Habitat Love
Library Dedication
Relay for Life
Spring Fling
Hellogoodbye Concert
Relay for Life: Opening Ceremony
Relay for Life: Locks of Love
The Tragedy of King Lear
Campus Garden Dedication
Johnson Fitness Center Reopening
Relay for Life: Kick-Off
Relay for Life: Miss Relay
Walk a Mile
Habitat for Humanity Spring Break Trip
Kiplin Hall Trip
War on the Shore