John Mosher Artist Talk

On April 6th Tara Gladden, Director and Curator for the Kohl Gallery, welcomed John Mosher, this year's 100 Proof Juror. Mr. Mosher currently works at Salisbury University as an Assistant Professor teaching 2D and digital media. His art usually works with paper, video, and sound. Mr. Mosher walked the audience through his online portfolio, which can be found at Specifically, he explained his Ephemera Phosphene series, Chromanauts, his Prosopagnosia series, Sungazing, Chomasphere, and Ring of Moons. His work passionately displays contrasting and vibrant colors, focus on negative spaces, and intriguing concepts.

The pieces that Mr. Mosher juried for the Kohl Gallery can be viewed at:

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Riders to the Sea


Eurydice - Virtual Theatre Production