Wilderness Adventure Club
Eco-Service and Adventure (04/07/2013)
Hot off its outreach program for children at the Kent County Public Library, the Student Environmental Alliance teamed up with the Wilderness Adventure Club for a weekend of wilderness exploration and service. The groups spent two nights at YMCA’s Camp Tockwogh, helping to rebuild stables and mulch a program area, followed by watershed restoration with Project Cleanstream at Mount Harmon Plantation.
Rebecca Wozniak
Patrick Cahill
Jenny Lee
Madeline Poethke
Parrie Italiano
Caitlin Byrnes
Michelle Coleman
Joshua Rogers
Andrew Huelskoetter
Colin Rainey
Amanda Haar
Cara Koontz
Kellie Rogers
Erin Cooper
Cary Mills
Nicole Musho
Steven Auaott
Ceara Scanlon
Valerie Dunn
Emily McWilliams
Max Li
Chelsea Fulton
Annie Hoang
Kelly Kunsch
Chester Czuj
Sarah Mann
Shayla Anderson
Abby Gordoon
Hannah Weiss
Sara Paul
Yiwen Liang
Nick Austett