Washington College Review Launch Party
May 2, 2024
Editor-in-Chief of the Washington College Review Grace Hogsten ‘25 welcomes the audience.
Riley Dauber ‘25 reads from her SCE proposal on Amy March from Little Women.
In order to celebrate the Spring Issue of the Washington College Review, Volume XXXI, Issue 1, editors of the publication held a launch party on Thursday, May 2 at 5:00 p.m. At the event, refreshments were served and each contributor was given the chance to read an excerpt from their published piece of writing or talk about their artwork. Many students read from their work and overall it was a nice event to celebrate academic work from the previous semester.
Dante Chavez ‘24 talks about his Book History research paper on the WWE Magazine.
Ziggy Angelos ‘25 discusses their artwork.
Coverage by Delaney Runge ‘24