True In An Age of Alternative Facts

November 05, 2018

On Friday, November 2, 2018 the Rose O’Neill Literary House hosted Ben Boehl, Seth Engel, and Kay Wicker, all of whom have experience in the field of Journalism. Ben Boehl is a local journalist turned politician, Seth Engel is a producer at C-SPAN, and Kay Wicker is an editorial assistant at Think Progress. Kay and Seth are both Washington College alumni, with Kay graduating in 2014 and Seth in 1993. The journalists answered questions relating to their professions from two moderators who also graduated from WAC. A particular focus was placed on the new rhetoric relating to “fake news” in the current political climate. “I don’t think it’s a partisan statement to say that calling the press the enemy of the people is detrimental to our democracy,” said Seth. The interview stage was followed by questions from the audience.