The Book of Scented Things Launch Party
The Literary House Press asked 100 contemporary poets to react to tiny vials of fragrance selected just for them. The results are published in The Book of Scented Things, launched on Oct. 7 with a festive reading by contributors Meredith Davies Hadaway, Leslie Harrison, James Allen Hall, Sandra Beasley, as well as co-editors Jehanne Dubrow and Lindsay Lusby.
Cupcakes for the party.
Poets Dubrow, Lusby, and Harrison.
Professor and Literary House Director Jehanne Dubrow welcomes everyone to the Lit House.
Poet/Contributor Sandra Beasley begins the reading.
Poet Sandra Beasley reads her poem “Banked” as well as fellow contributor Maureen Thorson’s “A Real Psychology”
Meredith Davies Hadaway reads her poem “My Cat Knocks Over the Perfume.”
Hadaway also read fellow contributor H.L. Hix’s poem “Is this the time when we compare notes?”
Professor James Allen Hall reads his poem “Not Her Body” and fellow contributor Shara Lessley’s “Scent of the Gods.”
Leslie Harrison reads her poem “[Render]” and fellow contributor Keetje Kuipers’ “Gone South.”
Poets Beasley and Hadaway.
Co-editor and contributor Lindsay Lusby reads her poem “Elegy with Osage-Orange.”
Lusby also read fellow contributor Brian Barker’s poem “Dream in Which We Eat the World.”
Co-editor Jehanne Dubrow reads her poem “The Long Deployment.”
Dubrow also read fellow contributor Bruce Snider’s poem “Why My Father Smells Like the Night,” which was printed as a broadside at the Literary House print shop.
Administrative Assistant Owen Bailey passes out perfumed ribbons for a post-reading writing exercise for the audience.
Literary House Student Worker Maddie Zins helps pass out perfumed ribbons for a post-reading writing exercise for the audience.
Audience participates in writing exercise.
Audience participates in writing exercise.
Dean Chamlee-Wright asks the poets a question in the Q&A
Book signing and sales
Students and guests get Professor Hall to sign their books.
Students and guest speak with Professor Hall after the event.
Book signing and sales
Poets sign books after the reading
Professor Hall and winner of The Book of Scented Things raffle, Washington College student Angie Tomasura.
Poets Dubrow, Hadaway, Hall, Lusby, Beasley, and Harrison.
Copies of The Book of Scented Things Ready for Sale
Books and the Bruce Snider Broadside
Snider Broadside and raflle prizes
Poets, Professors, and Students enjoying books and cupcakes
Poet Meredith Davies Hadaway signs book for student