Sophie Kerr Scholar in Residence Dr. Eurie Dahn
October 6th, 2021
Dr. Dahn sharing photos she took of “The Half-Century Magazine,” a black periodical, while completing research for her book.
Coverage by Emma Russell ‘23
The Sophie Kerr series presented writer in residence Dr. Eurie Dahn, Associate Professor of English at The College of Saint Rose located in Albany NY. Dr. Dahn talked about her first ever published book “Jim Crow Networks: African American Periodical Cultures,” on Wednesday Oct. 6, at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom. “In this talk, I’ll trace interactions within these Jim Crow media networks between black and white periodicals and among black periodicals to discuss their centering of the politics of representation in their responses to their precarious conditions,” Dr. Dahn said. Dr. Dahn shared a powerpoint presentation that showcased photos taken by herself from two different magazines, one aimed at Black female readers, and the other aimed at white, and spoke about how the differences in the magazines affected how African Americans were viewed in society during the time.
Sophie Kerr writer in residence Dr. Euri Dahn talking about her first ever published book “Jim Crow Networks: African American Periodical Cultures.”