SGA President and Vice President Elections
March 8th, 2022
On Tuesday, March 8th, 2022, the Student Government Association held elections for President and Vice President. The candidate for President was Alex May ‘23 and the candidates for Vice President were Jonah Nicholson ‘23 and Kamden Richardson ‘24. Voting took place on Campus Groups and also included a constitutional referendum in addition to the presidential and vice-presidential voting. While voting could be done from anywhere due to the online format, SGA tabled in Hodson throughout the day with donuts as a way to entice and remind students to vote. Reminders were also spread throughout campus on the Cater Walk and the surrounding sidewalks in the form of chalk. SGA announced the results later at Senate that night, before emailing the entire campus the next day. Alex May was elected President and Jonah Nicholson was elected Vice President.
Coverage by Delaney Runge ‘24