Reflections on Voting and Hiring Laws
On November 17, 2014 in Hynson Lounge, The Institute for Religion, Politics and Culture at Washington College invited attorney Diane Dillon to share her experiences in working on various campaigns, the EEOC, and her views on the voting process.
Speaker Diane Dillon and Professor Joseph Prud’homme, Director of the Institute for Religion, Politics and Culture at Washington College speak with a student pre-event.
Diane Dillon reviews her notes before she begins.
Dillon and Prud’homme used much of the time to engage in discussion with each other and other students.
Dillon and Prud’homme listen intently to a student’s question.
Dillon mainly focused on ways for college students to get involved in the voting process and in campaigns. Here she speaks about student opportunities to become poll watchers.
Dillon gesticulates to emphasize a point.
Dillon consults documents to illustrate her ideas.
Dillon spoke about the difficulty in getting the youth vote and conducted discussion on how we as voters can get more people out to the poll on Election Day.
Dillon showcased this packet, which comprised the regulations and training procedures for becoming a poll watcher.
Professor Prud’homme plays devil’s advocate in order to generate discussion among students.
Professor Prud’homme listening intently to Dillon’s ideas on making Election Day a national holiday.