Presidential Town Hall
November 14, 2023
President Mike Sosulski opens up the town hall.
Brian Speer showed the group new marketing that the school is implementing on various social media and print platforms.
In order to share a progress report for the College on the progress of enrollment over the past year, as well as share details of the financial details, the Office of the President held a town hall open to the Washington College and Chestertown communities on November 14th. The meeting began with remarks from President of the College Dr. Mike Sosulski. He shared the current enrollment of the 901, and the goal of getting that up to 1250 students through enrollment and marketing strategies. In addition to the president, VP of Enrollment Johnnie Johnson and VP for Marketing and Communication Brian Speer discussed their goals for Admissions and Marketing going into this upcoming academic year. Overall the goals are to increase enrollment through new initiatives and ways to get the College’s name out there. VP of Advancement, Alumni, and Constituent Engagement Susie Chase ‘90 P ‘21, brought up her own work for focus groups regarding a capital campaign.
Johnnie Johnson discussed the ways that the Admissions Department is working to get Washington College’s name out to prospective students.
Coverage by:
Delaney Runge ‘24