Meet the Staff

Each year several dedicated students come together to document the year in the form of The Pegasus. Under the watchful eye of the production manager, the Media Publications Interns work diligently at the Rose O’Neill Literary House to make the yearbook come to life.

  • Ryan Manning ’17: Co-Production Manager

    Ryan Manning is a Chemistry and English double-major and a junior at Washington College. This is his second year as Production Manager for the Pegasus, and he has also worked with the Literary House as a summer intern, producing the Sophie Kerr Anthology for 2013-2014. He is a passionate student of poetry and design and hopes to continue working at the Literary House throughout his time at Washington.

  • Lily Starr ’17: Co-Production Manager

    Lily is a junior English major and Creative Writing minor at Washington College. She is also the Assistant Editor for Washington College’s literary magazine, The Collegian and will become the Editor-In-Chief in the fall of 2016. Lily is a dedicated student and is excited to keep working on publications for the remainder of her years at Washington.

  • Christopher Irving ’17: Media Intern

    Chris is a Junior independent study majoring in film at Washington College. This is his first year as a Media Intern at the Rose O’Neill Literary House; he enjoys writing creative stories, making new friends, and learning new things about the world. Chris loves the art of storytelling and wants to one day share his stories through both cinema and books. His favorite city is New York because of the beautiful city skyline, and his favorite color is blue. Chris is excited to be an intern at the Literary house and is ready for whatever challenges may come his way.

  • Leslie Collins ’18: Media Intern

    Leslie is a freshman English major and a Creative Writing minor at Washington College. She is passionate about writing creative stories and hopes one day to become a successful author and travel the world. Leslie is super excited to be interning at the Lit House and hopes to continue working there for the entire time she is at Washington.

  • Yiwen Liang ’16: Media Intern

    Yiwen is an international student from Shenzhen, China. She is a senior and an International Studies major with a concentration in Global Business with both Economics and Business minors. She previously studied abroad in London and Paris during her junior year and I had so much learning the cultural differences and meeting people from different countries. She loves traveling and writing. One of her life goals is to write down all my study abroad stories and share with others. This is Yiwen’s first semester here as a Media Intern, and she is excited to join the team!