Global Powers Response To Trump’s ‘America First’ Doctrine Talk
February 21, 2018
As part of the Goldstein program in public affairs, five distinguished speakers from various parts of the globe discussed the global reactions towards Trump’s ‘America First’ doctrine to a public audience
Dr. Khan, a professor of political science and International relations at the University of Delaware, moderated the discussion. Dr. Ryan, a professor of the University of Nottingham, talked about the UK and Europe’s response. Dr. Frenkel, a professor of the University of Buenos Aires in Argentina, discussed Latin America’s response.
Dr. Bilanishvili, the director of Georgia’s department of External Security at the office of state security and crisis management council , talked about the response from Georgia and other Eastern European nations, most notably Russia. Dr. Yang, a lecturer from the China Foreign Affairs University, discussed the response from China and other East Asian nations. After giving their remarks, the panel took a couple of questions from the audience.