Comedy Competition

Hosted by Rachel Dilliplane ’15, the Comedy Competition featured students showcasing their standup abilities in the Goose Nest.


Rosalea Alger ’18

Rosalea Alger ’18

Lorenz Iversen ’18

Lorenz Iversen ’18

Lorenz Iversen ’18

Lorenz Iversen ’18

Stag McDyre ’15

Stag McDyre ’15

Stag McDyre ’15

Stag McDyre ’15

The competition was held in the Goose Nest and open to the entire campus.

The competition was held in the Goose Nest and open to the entire campus.

Stag McDyre ’15

Stag McDyre ’15

Nicholas Staub ’15

Nicholas Staub ’15

Nicholas Staub ’15

Nicholas Staub ’15

Nicholas Staub ’15

Nicholas Staub ’15

Students have a laugh at the comedy competition during comedy week.

Students have a laugh at the comedy competition during comedy week.

Faculty Members judged the competition.

Faculty Members judged the competition.

Joshua Rogers ’15

Joshua Rogers ’15

Melody Bishop ’15

Melody Bishop ’15

Melody Bishop ’15

Melody Bishop ’15

Location: Goose Nest