AOII Blue Week
October 3rd through October 7th, 2022
Sisters Alexandra Solano and Jessica Borders at the AOII table.
Students could pay $1 to “Pie a Pi” outside of Hodson Hall.
AOII sister Emma Radinsky mans the bake sale table.
Coverage by Emma Russell ‘23
The Alpha Omicron Pi sorority hosted a Blue Week from Monday, October 3rd through Friday, October 7th. The event is used as a way to raise money for the sororities’ philanthropy, juvenile arthritis awareness. All proceeds are donated to AOII Juvenile Arthritis foundation. On Monday and Tuesday, the sisters sold goodie bags filled with candy for $1. From 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. AOII hosted a dodgeball tournament at the Johnson Fitness Center Field House. Outside of Hodson Hall the sisters hosted their annual Pie a Pi event along with a bake sale, where they sold brownies, cookies, cupcakes, and rice crispy treats. To round out the week the members of AOII had a Krispy Kreme Sale downstairs in Hodson Hall. People could purchase a dozen donuts for $12 and one donut for $1. By the end of the week, the sisters reached their goal of raising over $1,000.
Alexandra Solano pies her sister Erin Moran after being pied herself!
The sisters sold goodie bags and encouraged participants walking by to write cards for children in the hospital.