Welcome to The Pegasus!
Washington College’s by-students, for-students yearbook.
The above links will take you to the milestones of the year so far, a roadmap to the table of contents, and even give you chance to reflect upon the journeys of years past. If you wish to learn more about the history of the Pegasus, you can click on the link to the “about” page, or you can take the time to “Meet the Staff,” who helped put the whole trip together!
While this is volume number 88 of the Pegasus it also marks a new beginning as we make a drastic transition to the technological age with a website designed to smoothly take you wherever you want to go in just a few clicks.
As Washington College has grown with age, the new Pegasus is moving forward to embrace this exciting new changing world. The diverse and scattered experiences we all have on the road cannot any longer be set from start to finish in a simple book; instead they spread and integrate in a complex web of great triumphs and happy memories. What better way to represent this web with the World Wide Web?
So join us in celebrating this amazing year at Washington College, and feel free to come back to both it and times prior as it makes its tire-tracks on the winding road that is our lives, and recorded on the timeless map that is the internet.