Welcome to The Pegasus online page! A yearbook created and published for the students, by the students of Washington College.

Check Out the Cover of the 2014 Pegasus!

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“Old Washington”

By the gleaming, blue Chester River
On the Maryland Eastern Shore
Stands a glorious Alma Mater
Whose name we will ever adore.
‘Tis a name that shone high in glory
When our country, her freedom won.
And our College alone was the first one to own
To the fair name of Washington.

So Washington, Old Washington
Our Washington we do adore
We will fight for her honor
As her sons and daughters have before.
So Washington, Old Washington
Our Washington forever more,
She’s our dear Alma Mater,
On the old Eastern Shore.

Just as Washington was the foremost
Both in honor and peace and war,
So our College is foremost ever
To honor the name that he bore.
And where’er her children may wander,
She can trust ev’ry loyal one,
For we’ll bring her no shame, but be true to her name,
To the fair name of Washington.


— by C. L. Atwater, 1926, arr. Garry E. Clarke, 1995

Check Out the Cover of the 2013 Pegasus!


From President Mitchell Reiss

“Congratulations to the Class of 2013! You have displayed remarkable enthusiasm and passion for learning. You are spirited, inquisitive, and blessed with personal integrity. You have given selflessly of your time for the greater good of society, and made significant contributions to the life of the College as leaders, activists, scholars, performers, athletes. Who can forget, just this year, the remarkable success of Relay for Life, the production of The Tragedy of King Lear, or the win over Salisbury? You have much to be proud of, and you have made Washington College proud.

Among the Class of 2013, several of you are heading off for graduate studies at some of the nation’s most respected universities, studying law, medicine, and science. Others of you are traveling, launching careers, and serving your nation through Teach for America. Together, you represent a future bright with possibilities. I wish you great success on whatever path you choose.”

- President Mitchell Reiss

Notice any errors? Email The Pegasuspegasus_editor@washcoll.edu and we will deal with the problem right away!



  • https://t.co/ty4pyuw6Nb

  • LA LA LATCH (Pentatonix) \\ WACappella A Cappella \\ Official Music Video

  • We have a brand new email address! To submit photos from study abroad or from this semester email submissions to washcollpegasus@gmail.com

  • A Reminder that as the fall semester comes to a close…there is still time to submit student photos from study abroad or from this semester! 

  • willfulfox:

    Dear Reader,

    It’s been a rainy first week back at WAC. Have you ever seen the movie Midnight in Paris? No? Well in it there’s the sentiment that some places look better in the rain. Well, WAC is beautiful rain or shine but I love how saturated all of the colors look when the weather’s like this. My raincoat and boots had quite a workout. 

